Friday, August 10, 2012

Fantasy Friday: Bottega Veneta Purple

Source: via Nicole on Pinterest
Source: via Nicole on Pinterest

Occasionally you see that perfect dress that speaks to you, and you know you would wear it forever and ever. The first dress above is just such a dress...I love the pale purple with the unexpected pops of red, orange and yellow.  Now, this is a dress that I would wear year around...(you might recognize this dress from Bottega Veneta's fall 2012 ad campaign).  Now, being a fan of that perfect shade of pale purple (not lavender, mind you, which looks a bit too easter-eggy), this dress reminded me of another one that I also admired in the fall 2009 ad campaign.  And sure enough, the shades seem identical (the second dress above).  So fun to see how the same shade re-emerges in difference incarnations. Now, finally, if you aren't a pale purple person, I love the royal purple outfit (third picture above) paired with a blazer and accented with a jewel-toned turquoise.  Bottega seems to keep getting purple right.  Now, the real question is, would it be horribly sinful to wear the first dress above with a classic Chanel bag, rather than the Bottega bag its pictured with?

1 comment:

  1. 【Bottega Veneta/ボッテガヴェネタ】と言うブランドを御存知ですか?フランスからの有名な高級ブランドとして、登場したあと、瞬く間にその知名度が世界中に広がっていきました。今まで、もはや数多くのファンを虜にしていましたよ!さて、こちらからbottega veneta 財布のボッテガ 長財布とボッテガヴェネタ バッグのボッテガ トートバッグについて紹介させていただきたいと思いますね!
